Ductless HVAC transformed my garage

It’s almost like I’m my dad with the amount of time I’m spending in the garage these days.

That man was never inside the central air conditioning of the nice house he provided for us.

The second he got home from the fancy office building with the great commercial HVAC, he was in his work clothes and out in the garage. The man was a born tinkering genius. He was in sales but you’d have thought he was an engineer. Yea, I’m just like my dad out in my garage most evenings. Well if you take away all the mechanical skills and the fact that I have wonderful air conditioning in my garage. Dad had a big fan in the summer and a variety of space heaters for the winter. For me, it’s just the ductless heat pump. But that was sort of an afterthought really. My garage was just a wasted space for years. When we bought the house, we parked my wife’s car inside and stored lawn equipment and the like. It all quickly spiraled out of control though. Shortly into the pandemic, no cars in the garage and so much junk that I couldn’t even raise the garage door. It was a mess. But with all of us cooped up inside the central air conditioning of the house, I needed some space to myself. So I spent like four full days cleaning out and reorganizing the garage before I called the HVAC professionals. They sent out an HVAC technician who was able to install the ductless heat pump in the garage in like half a day. And now, I’m out here all summer enjoying the crisp HVAC cooling I get from my new ductless heat pump inside my reclaimed garage.

temperature control






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