Happy to finally have my own location

I’m quite thankful to finally have my very own home.

I grew up with several siblings & consistently shared a room.

Then, I joined the navy & ended up sharing a room with several many people throughout my years serving. My point is, now that I’m out of the navy & I have started my career as a civilian, I finally have a location all to myself. There are several reasons why this is so good for me. Privacy is entirely a single of them. Peace & quiet is another thing I have come to enjoy, then however, I am recognizably thankful for being able to have complete control over the control unit in my home! I get to set whatever temperature I want, which I had never been able to do before. I have consistently number one it colder than the rest of my family. Mom was consistently in control of the control unit when I was growing up. Moreover, in the Navy, who knows who was in charge of determining what the temperature was in the many areas of the ship. All I think is that it was consistently too hot for my liking. Now I keep the control unit at a breezy 76° most of the time. I’m well aware that you need to maintain your Heating & Air Conditioning method if you’re going to demand such a temperature, so I am sure to call out an Heating & Air Conditioning worker at respected intervals to do cleaning & repair work. Having a cool unbelievable condo is something that I can entirely get used to & I don’t want to lose that benefit any time soon!

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