It’s good to be able to sort of understand most machines.
I’m not talking about the rocket math stuff or the super hard tech stuff.
I’m just talking about the machines that are in our everyday lives. But the fact that I guess something about our heat pump doesn’t mean that I’m going to repair it. That would be lunacy. For one thing, I have no training whatsoever when it comes to heating and cooling. An average Heating and A/C professional spends so much time between factory training, standardized certifications and on the task training. It takes years to become a fully licensed Heating and A/C professional. So I leave that sort of thing to them. But it can be tempting. And I can see how people prefer our neighbor can envision saving an Heating and A/C repair charge with their own repair. What doesn’t help is the immediate access to all those do it yourself videos online. I’ve never ran tests on however I’m almost certain that there has to be a plethora of guys showing other guys how they fixed their Heating and A/C equipment. My neighbor fell prey to this when he came apartment to find the Heating and A/C component running however no Heating and A/C cooling coming from the air ducts. Before he knew it, he was in way over his head. And that’s when he called me to come hold the flashlight for him. I’m a great neighbor so I held the flashlight. But the deeper this guy went into the territory that only a certified Heating and A/C professional should attempt, the more I just had to say something. Finally, I talked him into putting everything back the way it was and calling the Heating and A/C company. This was before he voided his warranty or worse, ruined thoUSnds of dollars worth of Heating and A/C equipment.
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