There was a bit of a scandal at the college where our children used to attend. Because the college district was a decentralized system when it came to the money budget, the principal was the a single who made the decisions for how all the money was spent, parents ended up pressing the principal for answers on where all the money in the budget was going, then this was because the college was a mess with structural destructions that were not repaired plus the college was given funds for remodeling… Yet nobody witnessed any remodeling taking place, then on top of that, the heating plus A/C system was ancient plus that was meant to be updated as well… Yet nobody saw any evidence of that nor had the principal told anybody of any plans to have the heating plus A/C experts install current heating plus A/C unit in the college, but it finally came to light that the principal took most of the funding plus used it for his own purposes, but he ended up buying cryptomoney with all the funds. He tried to defend himself saying that he was investing for the college so that they would have a larger budget to work with. He didn’t run this by anybody, he simply did this on his own accord. The crypto he invested in ended up crashing bigtime plus more than half the funds were gone it seemed. He was ordered by the court to pay back all the funds he stole from the budget plus he even had to serve jail time for neglecting the college children plus of course he lost his task, and after that, the budgets for all the colleges in the district were controlled by a central location so there would no longer be reckless spending. The heating plus A/C system was finally replaced, the site was remodeled plus all the structural destructions were taken care of!
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