I should get a say in the heating and cooling this time
I find it amazing how people differ with temperature control. As a child you just get used to whatever your parents set the control unit to. My mother was cheap and never willing to turn on the gas furnace. It would be freezing cold all Autumn and my mother would not turn on the gas fireplace, she also refused to invest in an a/c for the summer. I just got used to being cold and then dripping with sweat to death. Heating and Air Conditioning wasn’t a big factor in our house. I am now married and I have a central heating and cooling system. My hubby is the opposite of my mother. He constantly is using our Heating and Air Conditioning unit and messing with the control unit. In the Summer he has to have the AC blasting on high. The house is freezing cold when he is in charge of the control unit. In the Winter he sets the control unit so high that I am dripping with sweat. So I am uncomfortable in my own home, just in a strange way this time. When my hubby leaves on a corporation trip or to visit his parents, I turn the Heating and Air Conditioning off. I actually get to the right temperature. I have thought about putting my foot down on the temperature settings. I have never lived in a house where I have enjoyed the temperature of it. I should get a say in the heating and cooling this time. I am no longer a small child. I pay half the mortgage after all. So if I don’t want AC, I shouldn’t have to suffer.
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