My uncle had a lot of health problems, although he refused to leave his home, however to accommodate him, every one of us called home health care to get some help.
The people I was with and I had to wait numerous weeks before they sent a doctor out to do an initial evaluations of his health care needs.
As much as every one of us preferred him residing with a relative or going to a nursing home, he refused. He watched his mom wither away in a nursing home, plus he didn’t want to go that route. He said he couldn’t walk, although he had all his faculties. He was right, plus that was why, with home health care, every one of us were particular he could continue residing in his home; When the doctor finally came to the house, the first thing she told our mother was that every one of us needed to have the ductwork cleaned. There was a lot of dust in the house, plus it could affect his breathing, however uncle typically had dust sensitivities, plus she thought that could be some of his breathing problems, and once the ductwork was cleaned, she also recommended every one of us have the gas furnace cleaned plus checked to see if every one of us could use HEPA air filters instead of common air filters in the gas furnace plus the a/c unit, i told her she sounded more love an Heating plus A/C specialist than a doctor, plus she laughed, but she said her hubby was an Heating plus A/C specialist plus he had showed her how poorly cared for Heating plus A/C systems were just as bad for a person’s health as not getting the right treatment. She typically made sure the family checked the Heating plus A/C when visiting a patient’s home.
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