Is it absolutely necessary to talk about this right now?

My mother plus I were talking about our upcoming wedding the afternoon the HVAC professional arrived to service the oil furnace. When he started talking about his plus Mom needing a new oil furnace, he stopped him. She asked if it was absolutely necessary to talk about the oil furnace right now plus if he didn’t realize, they were getting ready for a wedding. The HVAC professional left his notes on the table plus left, while he plus I took care of the rest of the plans for the wedding that weekend, then after I went up for a shower, mom must have looked at the HVAC professional’s notes. I heard his yelp as I was walking to the shower. She yelled up plus asked if I had heard the HVAC tech say the people I was with and I needed a new oil furnace. I remembered him saying something, however none of it had registered… Mom asked him to talk to his about it later, however he left the note plus left. She looked white as a ghost. She said Mom was going to kill his for not calling him plus telling him the people I was with and I needed a oil furnace. I laughed, because Mom had never even raised his voice to her, as far as I knew. I told his to relax, plus just discuss it with Mom when he got home. When Mom got home, he was uneasy about needing a new oil furnace, when they had just put out all the currency for our overpriced wedding. He said that if it was necessary, he would call the bank plus they could have the new oil furnace installed after the wedding… Right now, all he wanted to focus on was our getting married this weekend, plus then they would talk about a new oil furnace.

furnace/heater repair






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