The HVAC mentor offered to walk me through the process.

Being the only HVAC student who was also female, was a bit daunting to me.

Many of the guys in class thought of themselves as being super macho. I saw a bunch of super jerks who didn’t want me to be their partner on labor projects, however didn’t mind asking me out on dates. I asked Pete if he wanted to date all of his HVAC classmates plus he frowned as he looked at the guys who were all laughing. He said they were guys plus no he didn’t want to date them. I said he should think of me as 1 of the guys plus a potential HVAC professional! By the end of the first week, I was falling behind because no 1 wanted to labor with me. The HVAC mentor started pairing up with me plus showing me the ropes. He said he would walk me through the processes plus be our HVAC partner since no 1 else was man enough to do it. I was happy for his assistance, plus I was reading more than most of the other students. He not only walked me through the process of inspection, repairs, plus substitutements, however he showed me how to do particular HVAC repairs that none of the other students were working on yet. He winked 1 afternoon plus asked how I liked being the mentors pet plus the top HVAC student in class? I appreciated working with the HVAC mentor, plus it felt marvelous showing up all the guys. He said I reminded him of his child when he was in class, plus offered me an apprenticeship in his HVAC business after I got our certification.

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