They Gave Me a Ductless Mini Split Unit

I didn’t think I complained a lot about the lack of air in my study room, although I guess I was wrong. The other week my parents told all of the members of our family that they had a present for us all, but I was completely caught off guard. However, Christmas wasn’t for another several weeks, so I had no idea what they had to say to me. My mind began to wonder about all the gift possibilities and the reasons that my parents needed to give it to us all so soon. Of all the things I thought it could be, I was not prepared to open up a ductless mini split system. In fact, I was absolutely in the dark! I didn’t remember ever asking for a ductless mini split unit and I couldn’t even think of where to put it. It wasn’t until my parents explained that it was for my study room that I began to realize why they had gotten it. I had been complaining about how warm my study room was and how the airflow was really not good at all. I didn’t sleep well in the evenings because of the temperature, and apparently everyone was sick and tired of hearing me whine all of the time about it. When I finally realized why they had gotten me the ductless mini split system I felt embarrassed. I had no clue or concept that my complaints about the lack of air in my study room would become so overwhelming that my parents would feel like they had to invest in a ductless mini split system. Either way, I’m extremely grateful and thankful for the generous gift and I’m even more thankful that I don’t have to lose sleep over the lack of air in my study room now.
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