This afternoon I’ll be cleaning out our air purifier

I’m definitely staying in the house this week with the temperatures as high as they are outside.

The news warned people to stay in the house if possible plus avoid the daytime heat because they are registering temperatures in excess of 120F with the heat index.

The humidity is certainly high this week plus it is one of the hottest afternoons on record so I guess it would be prudent for me to keep myself in the house plus stay cool this week. I system on laboring on our whole condo air purifying system plus cleaning it up from top to bottom. There are many filters on it plus I am sure they all need to be cleaned along with the rest of the system. I am not an actual heating as well as air conditioning expert by any means however I guess I can do the job if I get on YouTube first to watch a video on how to disinfect the unit. I guess we bought it several years ago plus have only certainly had it cleaned one or numerous times, so with the extreme heat outside this week I guess I have a great opportunity to get it done. I was going to paint outside however there is no way I am going to last in this heat. Maybe I can also take a look at the heating as well as air conditioning ducts to see if they need to be cleaned while I am at it. I can call our buddy to actually see if she wants to come over plus help because I guess she isn’t laboring this week, he’s a roofer!
Heater maintenance






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