Building a house is way harder than I thought it would be. There are just way too many decisions to be made. Whenever we decided to build a house last year, I never thought that it would be such a time consuming, difficult process. That’s the truth! I thought that it would actually be easy and fun, for the most part. Boy, was I wrong! This whole thing has been very stressful and annoying to both of us for the entire time that we have been working on it. It’s been one decision to be made after another and it seems like every decision is important and life altering. If we end up choosing something wrong, then it ends up affecting the whole rest of the build and that is not the kind of pressure that I like to be under. Right now, we are trying to decide what kind of heating and cooling system we want to install in the house. We both want a high efficiency heating and cooling unit, but we just don't know what sort of furnace we want to have. My husband wants to get a gas furnace for the new house, but I'm afraid of gas appliances. I always feel like they are going to blow up in the middle of the night or something crazy like that. I want to get a regular old electric furnace like we used to have in the house when I was a kid. We are fighting over it, and I think we are going to end up letting our HVAC contractor make the decision for us!

So many decisions when building a home

whole home heating






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