Can temperature affect your life?

Many of us find a good night’s sleep to be elusive.

Sleep research has advanced remarkably in recent years, revealing many reasons for sleeplessness, from too much screen time to the wrong sleeping temperature.

It may be encouraging to discover some of these causes of inadequate sleep and change your life if you are one of the sleepless ones. You probably already know some of the major causes of sleeplessness. Caffeine, alcohol, and sweets before bed, too much digital screen time, keeping lights on, noise, and being in a hot or cold room can cause sleeplessness. When temperatures are involved with sleeplessness, it’s usually because the room is too warm. As we go to sleep, our body temperatures should drop. Melatonin is a hormone that helps us sleep and enter the restorative REM (rapid eye movement) stage, which is vital for good health. For good sleep, it turns out, 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. We become restless when the room temperature exceeds 72 degrees Fahrenheit; a room cooler than 60 degrees may cause us to shiver. With your programmable or Wi-Fi thermostat, you can set your nighttime temperatures ahead of time. You won’t have to remember to reset the thermostat prior to bedtime. The models also allow you to set temperatures for when you’re away for the day, reducing energy consumption and saving you money. Using a Wi-Fi thermostat also allows you to adjust temperatures when you’re away from home.

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