My new car actually has air conditioning.
I know that sounds super funny because of course my new car would have air conditioning, but I have driven a car for so long without air conditioning that I just cannot believe that I actually have air conditioning in my car.
It is so nice. I didn’t even remember what it felt like to have air conditioning in a car. I went a total of six summers without it. It was very warm. I really am going to miss my old car, but I am not going to miss not having air conditioning. Last summer was by far the worst. It was one of the warmest summers that I have experienced in my entire life, and I didn’t have air conditioning in my car. It was so hot some days that I had to stop and walk into an air conditioned building on my way back from work just to keep myself from passing out. I am so glad that I won’t have to worry about that ever again now that I have air conditioning. My old car had black leather interior, so going without air conditioning was absolutely horrible. The seats felt like lava when I sat down on them. It had to have been over a hundred degrees in my car most days last summer. I love my new car, and I love that it has air conditioning. I have a friend whose air conditioning just went out in her car, and I told her to get it fixed as soon as possible because I know how terrible it is to go without air conditioning.