Category: Uncategorized
No more heating very soon
Things are going to change around this town very soon. The weather is finally going to break and some warmer temps will be on the way in about two weeks. That means the beaches will start filling up with sunbathers and volleyball players and the summer crowds will start to come back again for the […]
Time to blow the dust off of the air conditioner
It has been a long cold winter, but my bandmate and I have managed to keep practicing in the streets and in clubs the whole time. I think we play about five or six times a month during winter, but we make up for it in the summer, playing up to six times a week […]
Need a new smart thermostat some day
In October of 2025, which sounds far away but it is only about two and a half years off, I will hit the 20 year mark of being a performing artist. I started out doing stand up comedy for the first 15 years, but then gradually shifted over to music as the comedy wasn’t doing […]
Propane boiler keeping my bathtub hot
I am writing in my office with my gloves on. I cut the fingers out and am able to type with them as my fingers get really cold in the mornings. I guess I could run my unit and make it warmer in my office, but I would rather not and save money by wearing […]
Looking for a new electric heater
Okay, one more article and then off to swim in the Mediterranean Sea for a bit. I think we have hit the lowest temps now, as it is the second day of March, and the effects of the cold water are really therapeutic for me. I feel a lot more focused after doing the ten […]
Testing local businesses in other towns
Our band is going to head south soon and try out a different city for a month to see how much people like our music and how much cash we can pull in. We plan on going to this larger city and staying for a month there while we play every day for 30 days. […]
English leather and warm fireplaces
I can still smell my gramps’ English Leather cologne that he would put on after shaving. It had a musky smell and whenever I smell it I automatically start looking for Stan my gramps. It is amazing how strong the sense of smell can be tied to a memory so long ago. I think I […]
A good day of portable cooling systems
It is the third of June today and we are sitting in the lower 70’s for a high each day, which is still nice and moderate as far as I am concerned. The middle of June will see the 80 F barrier get broken for the first time this year, marking the start of the […]
Seven degrees from air conditioning
I’m resting my voice after a long session of singing last night because we are going to do it once again tonight. I sing pretty loudly when we play and last night I did that for almost two hours and my voice is a bit rough sounding this morning. I will drink some water with […]